Horse Development

No force. No fear. Just natural communication and understanding. A good start isn’t something, it’s everything.

A language of communication is developed, and the horse learns to trust, understand and accept the rider without force. The horse is handled in such a way that makes sense to him mentally, emotionally and physically, preparing to make the first saddling and riding experiences as positive as possible.

Emphasis is placed on re-integrating the horse and owner for a lasting partnership of mutual respect and clear understanding. The broader and stronger the foundation is, the more options available to the owner and more willing and capable of their new partner can be.

Glenn rides between 30-60 client horses each year and was awarded the title of Parelli Horse Specialist at the annual Global Instructors conference in Florida, USA. In order to receive this accreditation, the requirement is to have a minimum rating in eleven different areas including Young Horses, Starting Under Saddle, Challenging horses, Foundation Training, Instructing, Horsemanship, Reining and Cow Working.

Glenn is also a farrier – having completed the Olds College Farrier Program.

The Horse Ranch is pleased to announce we are extending the Young Horse Development and Foundation Training schedule for our clients from just the winter months to year-round.  For dates and locations check our calendar or contact us if you don’t see something in your area – let’s chat and we can look at setting something up.

Horse's Point of View

Regardless of the dream or discipline, whether cutting, reining, dressage, ranch roping, jumping, racing or pleasure riding the common denominator is always the horse. “Horsemanship” is the tool you use to develop the skills required for the particular discipline you are interested in. “Horsemanship” is what keeps you and the horse safe and gives both parties enjoyment. The more you understand the horse and work with their natural tendencies the more extraordinary the results can be. It is natural if you cause and allow learning to happen rather than make.

Considering the horse’s point of view first and then the best way to present your idea can all be learnt. If you get it right, everything else will be too! If you understand what is important to them, have the ability to read each as an individual and know the why, the how and the when to responding, the possibilities for what horse and human can achieve in a partnership are limitless.