Stages Program & Assessment
The Stages & Assessment Program is a system for the student to receive feedback on their horsemanship. The clinics and camps give you the concepts, theories and exercises that will help you get the tasks done in the Stages Program. The tasks in this program are designed to be:
In order to receive feedback and officially pass Stages 1 to 8, print off the applicable task sheet – download available at the bottom of this page.
More than just bragging rights at the barn! When you successfully complete each stage we will send you a certificate and sticker that makes up the colour of a rainbow down the length of your carrot or horseman’s stick, with the last colour at the end being gold of course!
The knowledge you will have acquired by that point is just that, pure gold. Just peel away the adhesive backing and place the sticker lengthwise with the HR end closest to the stick handle
If you are submitting by email or mail – we’d love it if you’d send us a picture with your certificate and stick in hand to post on Facebook and add to our website – this is OUR reward!